Cosmetic shops, Beauty Parlours,Bus stops and Girls Colleges
It never exists in Free State.It is always found in compound state with other elements like Mother,Father and brother etc
It is obtained synthetically by using an along of exchanged look and lovely smile
Physical Properties:
Since the element is always cooled with the cosmetic it is hard to study its physical properties, however some of them are listed below
1) Always tends to be beautiful
2) Dissolve rapidly when admired
3) Weeping points are very low
Chemical Properties:
1) It is highly explosive and attractive in nature
2) Its ionization potential is very high and too much energy is required to break the bond between Miss and Misses
3) Explodes violently when touched
1) As this compound is very valuable so it should be kept in a container of love and gold
2) Never to handle without a car
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